Opening hours

8:30 - 17:00 (Mon-Fri) 

Worxx Personnel Services brings about the right match.

Our clients are a lot like Worxx: they are straightforward and straightforward. A personal approach is crucial here: we therefore both commit to a long-term relationship.

What Worxx offers


Trade and

Knowledge and

For example, Worxx provides clients such as roofing companies, pipe-laying companies, carpentry companies, painting companies, assembly companies and other specialist subcontractors with their demand for skilled craftsmen, service and relief.


Thanks to this professional approach as an employment intermediary, we know better than anyone else how to make the right match. In addition, we have knowledge of both the construction world and the staffing market, we can draw on a huge and diverse workforce and we are fully up to date with current legislation and regulations.


Experience in broadcasting

Our experienced consultants are here to help you find the right candidate for your company. Our customer-focused approach allows us to respond to your needs quickly and efficiently.

We specialise in providing staff for the construction industry. Our employees are qualified, motivated and flexible.

Our working method

Worxx's success as a temporary employment agency for the Dutch construction industry lies in our clear working method, which we have reduced to three simple steps.


Looking for staff?